Sunday, April 29, 2012

BANG...Bud, Bloom, Squash

For the yellow squash, I am surprised how fast the plant moved through the stages of visible buds, flowers ready to open, and the development of the squash itself.

Today's inventory of garden is delayed due to transplanting seedlings to larger single pots. Stay tuned for my definition of "epic".

Saturday, April 28, 2012

One HUGE benefit from cow or horse manure

I found a farm very close to me that welcomes anyone to come and get all the horse manure you want. It sounds nasty but realize the good stuff has spent months and months under the sun which changes everything. Aged manure loses its "grossness". I was excited to see how many earthworms were seen in each scoop. Soil with earthworms is a huge benefit to plants. Manure sounds nasty, but get over it. Fresh manure, now that IS gross. Aged manure, no problem. However, I am not able to hold a wiggly earthworm in my palm. It freaks me out.

This tomato plant may be extremely unique!!

I noticed the extraordinary number of blooms on this small tomato plant today. Later, my curiosity led me to count the yellow blooms. I was quite excited!! 47 individual flowers on one small tomato plant. That is more blooms than all 3 dozen other tomato plants combined? This plant may be genetically superior and worthy of cloning to create many, many clones of this potential Super Producer. Oh yes, this plant well be pampered to get each bloom to follow through with a tomato development. 47? How on earth will the plant stand up? Oh!! Time to get the bamboo ready.

Crooked Neck Yellow Squash Blooming

Just posted a few days ago with a photo of flower buds. Look at the plant's rush to put out these flowers. The squash is close behind, perhaps showing development before the flower fades. I expect this flower to open tomorrow. On April 1, this was a 3 leaf plant.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Impressive Product for Soil Remineralization

Grow Better Tasting Vegetables with Rock Dust and Where to Get It Near You

Great Article on Importance of Soil Mineralization

Great article on importance of soil minerals

Great White Mycorrhizae

Atlantis Hydroponics Shopping Cart - PLANT SUCCESS Great White Mycorrhizae, 8 oz.

I have done research on this and I am excited about the published research that shows this bacteria is greatly beneficial to plant root systems and upper plant health. It helps plants transfer soil moisture and nutrients into the root systems for better assimilation. It is a beneficial bacteria.

"Epic" defined with numbers

Why did I name my garden "Epic Garden 2012"? This weekend I will make an inventory of how many plants I have and list them.  I am notorious for doing things in excess! To which I say, "Whatever your hobby, take it to the limit at least one time".

Maximizing Taste & Nutrition

This weekend I will be adding things to the soil of every organic vegetable in an effort to maximize taste. I have certain organic products in mind and will share. Actually, I will go scientific with this, leaving some plants untreated. Compost is great, but I know the soil can be greatly improved for both growth, yield, and flavor.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Organic crooked neck yellow squash blooms April 20, 2012.

When you see blooms on a plant, formation of the vegetable itself is very close behind when the flower fades.

Organic bean sprouts planted April 1. This photo, April 18.

Organic beans from seed planted April 1, 2012. This photo was taken on the 18th. Transplanting each bean plant to permanent location with maximum sun and pure compost soil by May 1. I can already tell these will be very fast growers.

Tomato plant #1 on April 18, 2012

Growth rate over 18 days is remarkable. This plant is growing in a container with 100% compost. It drains very fast and allows for maximum aeration of roots.

Tomato plant #1 April 1 ,2012

Look at the size of this plant compared to same plant 18 days later.