Sunday, June 17, 2012

Learned a Big Lesson with Neem Oil

Any kind of oil or insecticidal soap can burn a leaf in bright sun. The oil magnifies the sun that passes though it and can literally turn chlorophyll from green to white overnight. I learned a big lesson with this. I had to cut off a depressing amount of leaves. But they grow back fast. Found powdery mildew under some leaves and thought the neem oil would not only help kill it and bugs, but also help hold the sulphur to the underside of the leaf. To spray under leaves, just take a spray bottle and remove the inner tube. I will attach a photo of the yellow spots on squash leaves that made me look.

Second photo literally shows you how oil and sometimes water in a few few circumstances can turn chlorophyll bleach white. Not brown as in dead, bleach white. When sunlight hits frost that does not rapidly thaw, same thing can happen....intense magnifying effect of sunlight.

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